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This is the Founder's Notebook
These are the notes of the Founder. This entire website is the Founder's Notebook for the Fibrelos Study. As she suffered, she took notes. This website began to give ease in explaining everything to doctors; as they wanted to see what she was talking about, she made a website for them to have access to this information. The Founder's suffering beginning in 2000. She brought her symptoms, but doctors didn't listen. She looked into why she was experiencing these symptoms: she didn't page through the internet, she took notes. Those notes are here, and a near finalization as of 2019; then the Covid-19 Pandemic began in March 2020. In May 2020 she had injuries leading to a full finalization of her notes while connecting the dots of each note, finding 'Fibrelos is Fibrin' tangling & causing havoc in the body. Fully explained in an abstract "Fibrelos is Fibrin" our Founder still feels there's something entering the body, such as Prof. Susan Williams in 2010 with the 'Plastic in the Fish we Eat', something this website is proud to host,She's not a doctor, nurse or scientist; shes' a certified medical assistant that couldn't get help from the medical community.
She became the Patient in these notes. We begin in 2021: at the most current notes.
Learning more about the Fibrelos Study is easy the way everything is placed here. Beginning with current, then older notes graduating down to the end of this page; updating when new information comes in, then new website sections are made.
Some photos have links built in for ease in flipping back & forth between sections of this website, such as "Fibrelos Tangles System".
New Fibrelos Information ~ ©2021:
Briefing of what the Founder feels is the Cause of Fibrelos..."Fibrin" something we already have in our bodies to assist with clotting mechanism...further explained how this relates to the Fibrelos Study will be noted when section is finished. ..
...this is just the beginning of this section & finding:
Briefing of what the Founder feels is the Cause of Fibrelos:
Fibrin & Fibrin's other Components -Fibrinogen, etc.
The Founder of The Fibrelos Study reviews her notes; pondering while researching; she feels this could be the overall answer to The Fibrelos Study:
"©Fibrelos" is "Fibrin???"
The Fibrelos Study is representative of a few mystery inner-connecteddiagnoses such as Fibromyalgia & Unexplained Dermopathy. In 2021, after the Founder had injuries in May of 2020, she connected the possibility that Fibrin is actually 'Fibrelos Strands', and the tangling action of Fibrin causes a specific type of Blood Clot formation system to occur in the affected area of the body.
Briefing of what the Founder feels is the Cause of Fibrelos..."Fibrin" something we already have in our bodies to assist with clotting mechanism Founder connects the dots of the Fibrelos Study: finding that after injuries, the medication "Xarelto" calmed the areas of pain buildup under the skin (Unexplained Dermopathy connection & finding); pressures went down causing Fibromyalgia, Unexplained Dermopathy, Raynaud's Phenomenon symptoms, and a new direction for the Fibrelos Study. This means the "Fibrelos" is actually "something" growing & manipulating inside our own bodies. See more in this abstract below:
...this is just the beginning of this section & finding:
A combination of Environment and Possibility of Fibrelos being Fibrin...a recap Plus~New in 2022: Plastic in Blood:
- Our Founder Notified U.C. Davis there might be Fibrelos in the Water-2009
- Plastic in Fish 2010/UC Davis;
- Report from the Guardian: 2022 Plastic found in Human Blood
- Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood
A study done by Susan Williams, Ph.D. (RIP) in 2010, discovered fish swimming in our waters in California's Pacific Ocean, contain "Plastics & Particles". Our Founder saw a possibility of havoc in the human body if we eat fish continually from these parts of the world & possibly beyond. This being in our food, brings to mind how everything in our gut can filter to other parts of the body through tissue, fluids, and blood...but through & make it to our Fibrin?
This is more of the mysteries of Fibrelos or is it Fibrin???...
Why does the Fibrin tangle in our bodies? Our blood has clotting mechanisms and Fibrin is the net to keep the blood from flowing out of, per se, a cut on the surface of the skin: the Fibrin net rushes-just as if it was catching a fish, then stops the blood from flowing out continually.
- But what happens when it clots that cut area, then continues into more & more & more tangles with other particles our bodies collect over time?
- Could this be our bodies reacting as well to the plastics our bodies are exposed to?
- Does the plastic add havoc in our Fibrin to possibly cause an even deeper & super clotting mechanism for someone with a "Clotting Problem"? Then that injury could potentially be getting worse over time; possibly due to the Fibrin & Plastics making the Fibrin form stronger clots & cause the "Blood Clot Patient that medications can't break through? Well, what does a person do? Although this seems to be 'far fetched', it's actually fact, as our Founder opens our minds further to this.
In addition to possible plastics exposure causing havoc to our Fibrin, there's the reason for this new abstract, which opens up blood clotting to: 'Issues of Tissues....let me explain further:
Whether a person may have excess tissue, or injury has happened to the excess tissue, the answers to the pain issue could possibly be the excess tissue and/or injury causing our body's Fibrin to "Feel the Pressure Building" underneath the layers of skin & tissue. This pressure the Fibrin is experiencing causes an interruption of it's normal function which is to clot, to "Tangle & Make Fibrelos/Fibrin Clots".
With regards to the 'Excess Tissue pushing on the injured or inactive Tissue', that by just 'being there', the Fibrin begins to 'React to the Pushing of the Tissue', and leads the Fibrin to react. This brings in a presumptive belief the pain receptors send to the brain, a message of: "There's an injury", when it's only excess tissue (larger person-overweight person not exercising or inactive tissue (skinnier person not exercising) pushing on the other possibly injured tissue" & when this happens, the derma & dermatological layers of tissue up to the top of our skin, forms a sort of bump or pigment: "An intrusion of Soft Tissue/Derma layers" begin. At times this "Intrusion" is visualized as the following possibilities:
- "Bump/Pimple/White Center or;
- Not/Red Bump or Flesh Tone" bump and/or formation
- Possible: including the "Pigment Blue/Gray/Black Dot(s) on top of skin" that sends a message to the nerve receptors, that sends another message now signaling the brain "There's Pain" (Fibromyalgia is a belief of our Founder to be the "Tangling of the Fibrelos" in our Fibrelos Tangles System forming Fibrelos Clots & causing Fibrelos Fluid to build & fill the body is what begins the pain some refer to as "Fibromyalgia Pain")~Founder diagnosed in 2007 with Fibromyalgia: see more below)...
- The bump and/or pigment and/or blue/gray/black dot(s) continue(s) to fester & grow beneath the top layer of skin while causing pain & pressure. This increases the chance of Fibrin tangles beginning under the skin's surface. The Fibrin then tangles into different formations; causing an interruption with a special clotting style 'Fibrelos Tangling Clot System' that increases the ratio & growth of more Fibrin in the specified area where the bump or pigment dot(s) is/are. Is it then that this would translate to the answer...
- Is this the cause of Fibromyalgia
- Is this the cause of the Fibrelos Study's other 'Inner-Connected Mysterious Diseases' of the Fibrelos Study?
- Is this the cause as well as Unexplained Dermopathy?"
Further researching this mechanism, the Founder sees an article in 'Elsevier's 'Science Direct' about this very subject. Click here to go to the link where in validating everything the Fibrelos Study documented, it seems as though "Fibrin" is the answer to "Fibrelos". As Fibrin has the same look, movement(s), and clotting possibilities, it's the Fibrin, Fibrinogen, and Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that are a possibility of what "The Fibrelos Study" represents in the "Notes" on this website of: Fibrelos Strands, Fibrelos Rock Clots, Fibrelos Tumors, Fibrelos Blood Clots and Fibrelos Fluid is. Then the issue of Plastics Exposure to the human body: this is believed to strengthen our Fibrin to cause blood clots only Superman himself could break's possible, and everyone believes in Superman, right? It's goiing to take a super strong blood clog medication to break these things up if that's the case. (to be continued. These are beginning notes for this section.)
New Fibrelos Information ~ ©2020:
Covid-19 Abstract:
Live Dry Fibrelos Particles
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Founder of the Fibrelos Study is presenting an Abstract, as seen below regarding Fibrelos Strands & Fibrelos Product(s) traveling in "Droplets/Bubbles" and containing those Fibrelos Contained Particles. In October of 2017, the Fibrelos Dry Study was documented on this website. How it could relate to Covid-19 is undetermined; but important documented medical history as the Fibrelos Study must be considered for the health, safety, and well-being if lives. At it's current status, plus due to Covid-19, we're asking Researchers to complete facets of Research with us. Due to the Airborne Particles issue with the Covid-19 Virus, the Founder of the Fibrelos Study felt it was important to place this here for the public. There could possibly be something that the National Institutes of Health has not yet thought of, which is a "Live Dry Particle Transference of Covid-19 Virus" -(LDPTCV)". In our Fibrelos Dry Study, there is a possibility that an affected Covid-19 Patient may be able to transfer via 'Dry Fibrelos Dust Particles'. Please see the basic concepts below in our beginning portion of the Abstract. Thank you. Note made on: July 6, 2020
Covid-19 Abstract: Live Dry Fibrelos Particles
©Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research Abstract 2020
July 6, 2020, amended 1st on July 8, 2020, amended 2nd on July 29, 2020
Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Fibrelos Study Founder is releasing a portion of the 'Dry Fibrelos Airborne Pre-Study' Abstract, as seen below regarding Fibrelos Strand Particles & how it relates to Covid-19. Currently our Abstract is of notes value only due to obtaining completion status needed, we need Researchers to complete all facets of our Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research.
Due to the Airborne Particles issue, the Founder of the Fibrelos Study felt it was important to place this here for the public. There could possibly be something that the National Institutes of Health has not yet thought of, which is a dry "Live Dry Particle Transference of Covid-19 Virus"- (LDPTCV)".
In our "Fibrelos Dry Study", there is a possibility that an affected Covid-19 Patient may be able to transfer via 'Dry Fibrelos Dust Particles'. Please see the basic concepts below in the opening portion of this Abstract.
Fibrelos Study Airborne Particle Research at it's ‘Pre-Sudy’ stage is imperative to release during this Covid-19 Pandemic because of its Airborne particle transmission that could potentially contain Covid-19 from the affected person.
It's not only the "Dry Fibrelos Particles"; we're speaking also of the fact Fibrelos Strands live for three (3) months. A test was performed in 2017; showing remarkably the longevity of Fibrelos Strands, Fibrelos Rock Clots, Fibrelos Blood Clots, and Fibrelos Fluid.
Fibrelos particles are known to grow in the body, as well as expel out from the body; including the lungs.
It could be possible for release of Fibrelos Strands and other components of Fibrelos through cough, phlegm, tears, saliva, blood and other areas of the body possibly excreting Fibrelos Strands into the air. This potentially could contain any and all of what the affected Covid-19 Patient is suffering from.
Fibrelos Strands expel from our bodies; turning into what most would consider to be “Dust”. However dust, as we know, will attach most generously to clothing and any other item touched by the Covid-19 affected person. That alone is a possible transmission.
With possible Clothing transmission of Covid-19 via Fibrelos Strands coughed out by a Covid-19 infected person, has potential to infect on a "Super" level. The "Droplets" which could be like a "Bubble", contains more product of Fibrelos including Fibrelos Strands, Fibrelos Blood Clots, Fibrelos Rock Clots, and Fibrelos Fluid. That means a Covid-19 infected person coughs a "Bubble/Droplet", leading it to fly in the air: that also has the potential "Burst in Air"-like a balloon. That "Bubble Burst" open is now a "Covid-19 Burst" that could explode in directions at a minimum of 190° into the air; hitting all persons in the path of the "Bubble Burst". If the Covid-19 infected person covers their mouth to catch the cough, the "Droplets/Bubble" could potentially infect persons behind them: The "Droplets/Bubbles" could potentially travel over the head of the infected person; do another potential 190° in that direction of air travel, and infect each person in the path.
But this brings a new warning in that the contagion found in Covid-19 released in airborne fluid components from the affected person, now has an additional issue with the Fibrelos Strand Particles releasing into the air.
There has been no formal study related to the Fibrelos Strand Particles, this is why we are releasing the information to allow Researchers the ability to contact us for further information and possible research possibilities.
You may Contact Us...
New Fibrelos Information ~ ©2019:
Learn how a "Simple Bump" or "Pigment" could possibly be the "Pre-Warning Signs of Symptoms" of the following:
- A Stroke
- Heart Attack
- Fibrelos Blockage - Learn more about how a Fibrelos Blockage from a Rock Clot being Tangled in Fibrelos Strands that could lead to a Fibrelos Blood Clot
- Fibrelos Tangle System - Learn more about the Fibrelos Tangle System; how one simple knot in a Fibrelos Strand could lead to growth of a Fibrelos Tumor
- Fibrelos Strands are believed to be cause for encapsulation of Bodily Fluids, Fatty Tissue comprised in comparison to that of Abstracts of various types of Lipompas
- Built-Up Pressure - Leading to a Fibrelos Tumor Growing Under the Surface
New Fibrelos Information ~ ©2018:
Our preliminary notes shows many possible Fibromyalgia and Chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) symptoms could be the response of Mini-Fibrelos Tumors growing in-between the layers of epidermis, then growing inside tissue layers below the epidermis. Possibly leading to an even larger Fibrelos Tumor forming over time; putting pressure on organs, including the heart. This causes sensations similar, leading to patients seeking care for Fibromyalgia & CLD. This is the informal study experienced by our founder, fully documented with video & photos.
Next, our preliminary research also reveals one type of "Heart palpitations" and "Some possible stroke symptoms" leads to possible new techniques in relieving pressure caused by a possible heart attack as well as a possible stroke on-coming to be suffered by a patient. Fibrelos Blood Clots have been responsible for growing on top tissue layers leading to the heart-less than usually 1/4mm in the epidermis and top tissue layers, generally seen is a bump/and or a pigment. This bump/and or a pigment could be one of the first warning signs there's a specific type called Fibrelos Blood Clots underneath. This may then lead to flow issues; causing backed-up pressure where the Fibrelos Blood Clots are found. The Epidermis; not only the top of, as well as possibly surrounding the heart in-between the dermis, also, a Fibrelos Blood Clot could possibly be forming in-between the dermis leading to the Heart. The technique of less than 1/4 mm Possible relief has been with a 1/32mm, that's less less than 1mm. ©Pin Prick Shunt is the technique that leads to a possible less invasive technique for patients other than open heart surgery. This is the informal study experienced by our founder, fully documented with video & photos.
The Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation (F.L.D.F) Presents
The Fibrelos Study
Tap here to find out is it a Tick or Fibrelos?
U.C. Davis Study states that 25% of Fish we Consume has Polyethylene Fibers & More...tap here
(2015)Mission Statement:
The F.L.D.F. and the FLDF Founder is searching for a Research Team to study the findings of the Fibrelos Study. Bringing in "Symptom Comparisons" to. For example, the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia: Fibrelos symptoms match exactly. Another "Symptom Comparison" to Lupus: Exact symptoms of deemed 'Mysterious Diagnoses' already in the medical community, are on our list of exact matches regarding symptoms. Many aspects of further achievement in research could lead to the development of treatment(s). With our inner-connections, the Fibrelos Study is leading the way to obtaining some answers through "Symptom Connections" matched & found to be similar: some are exact matches. Noting the Fibrelos Study being a significant breakthrough. Mysterious Diagnosis are fact, but it's the "inner-connecting" of specific "Symptom Match-Up & Connections"; bringing it all together that we do with the Fibrelos Study. We feel the information found in the Fibrelos Study will provide more answers for Patients,the medical community, and be an extensive tool in finding why there is suffering.
(2015)History of When & Why Our Notes Began
This website was created from the notes of the Founder to hopefully assist doctors in educating them about Fibrelos. We're excited to invite the medical community to learn more about Fibrelos. By November 20, 2018, our Founder's is challenged each day & holding hope.
Easy tap & click features built in to most photos, as the links to the other portions of this website are at a touch or click away. If there's a certain topic, for example Fibrelos Rock Clots ~ tap or click that, and you will automatically be taken directly to that section of our website. Thank you.
Could Fibrelos Possibly Be the Answer?
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Syndrome, Lupus, Unexplained Dermopathy (tap here), Cancer, possibly Breast Cancer, Specific Blood Clots, Heart Palpitations, Tumors, Neuro Science Diagnoses, Limpomas, Research continues.
Fibrelos seems to be the basis of many illnesses potentially caused by Fibrelos exposure. The Fibrelos Study has Inner-Connected by "Fact-Feature-Symptom-Knowledge"; finding a direct correlation to & could be caused by Fibrelos. It's our goal to find out what Fibrelos is comprised & made of. One day we'll have more answers, but first, we need Researchers.
The Fibrelos Study is here
This specific Fibrelos was removed from our Founders body.
Please see A Fibrelos Patient Story: Tumor & 'Elephant Leg the story of one Patient's determination to get answers of Fibrelos Causation.
The Inner-Connection:
The Fibrelos Study
Photo: Removal from Right Breast 9-1-2016
Fibrelos: Several Mysterious Illnesses & Symptoms Match to the Fibrelos Study
What we've found in the Fibrelos Study is an Inner-Connection to the Symptoms, Features and Knowledge of Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, possibly linked to Cancer, possibly Breast Cancer, possibly cause for specific Heart Issues - Palpitations have been noticed then as the release of pressure it relieved the Heart Palpitations
Next is a specific tumor called Fibrelos Tumors/Fibrelos Basketball Tumors, Lipomas, Fibrelos MRSA, Fibrelos Fluid, Fibrelos Blood Clots, Fibrelos Rock Clots, Possible New Way to Relieve Fibrelos Heart Palpitations May 2018-click here
Tap Photos & Video New Fibrelos Blood Clot Video of 9-16-18
Tap Photo:Fibrelos Rock Clot Mini-Tumor resembles Tick - Left Breast on 8-15-18
The FLDF & Founder of the Fibrelos Study asks the Medical Community, Researchers, Research Specialties to Consider Fibrelos
A brief Explanation of Fibrelos:
The Fibrelos Study has inner-connected several different mysterious diagnosis. As there's many different processes that occur with Fibrelos features & symptoms. One feature causes pain, while another causes extensive stoppage in tissue, veins & blood system called the Tangling of Fibrelos Strands. As the Fibrelos Strands tangle The Fibrelos Tangle
throughout parts of the body, it could fester enough to begin weaving Fibrelos Sacks, seen below. These FIbrelos Sacks form Fibrelos Blood Clots that could be the cause of artery & vein blockages.
As these are just the notes of our Founder in this website, we will take you on a journey into a new form of study: The Inner-Connection of Fibrelos Facts, Features, and Symptoms; allowing a more direct approach in diagnosing Patients.
Fibrelos Blood Clots & Fibrelos Blood Clot Sacks
Fibrelos Blood Clots most recently in May of 2018, were the cause of Heart Palpitations. When the Fibrelos Blood Clots form, it creates extra, and sometimes extreme pressure. This may cause pain, plus creates havoc inside the body. In The Fibrelos Blood Clot Series, it shows the size of some of the Fibrelos Blood Clots. Plus our videos show the "Clots, Fibrelos Fluid, and Blood Flow. As we all know, any type of blood clot is a dangerous thing. With the Fibrelos Blood Clot System, it presents more medical challenges. This photo of the Fibrelos Blood Clots to the left, is from October 4, 2017. They came out after seeing what looked 'Lupus Lines', turned into a large flow of Fibrelos Blood Clots. This came from the Right Leg.
Fibrelos Fluid & Fibrelos Rock Clots
Fibrelos Fluid that's present when the Fibrelos Tangles build in size. The little black dots can be seen through the top layers of skin. There's also a 'Pigment' a blue or grey dot on skin. As mentioned in the paragraphs above, the pigment could represent Fibrelos Blood Clots underneath the surface of the pigment's location. These are Fibrelos Rock Clots. They're comprised of a combination of Fibrelos Fluid, trapped blood, and are miniature Fibrelos Rock Clots. They form directly on the Fibrelos Strands plus flow out during removal of Fibrelos.
Fibrelos Rock Clots: Seen in this diagram, each location of the Fibrelos Rock Clots on this Fibrelos Strand, shows areas where further Fibrelos Tangles could happen. Once this process begins, Fibrelos Tumors could develop, and may develop over time.
Fibrelos Study is Historic with the Medical Community...
This Fibrelos Study now is historic with it's findings, as the medical community has been discussing for years. Since the first notice of symptoms in the year 2000, the Fibrelos Study is now readily being discussed & possibly considered.
Doctors, Hospitals, and Medical Professionals and Diagnosis Professionals considering the Fibrelos Study is an open direction in diagnosing Patients. Now when someone has a tumor, blood clotting disease, heart disease, lipomas, the mentioned 'Inner-Connected mysterious diseases', various skin disorders that may or may not be accompanied by/with an arthritic pain, wide spread pain, Physicians can come here to read the findings in the Fibrelos Study as a possible direction in diagnosing.
This is Fibrelos
The FLDF feels it's possibly the "Tangling of Fibrelos" that causes the nerves to react; not the nerves reacting independently, as researchers have stated pertaining to Fibromyalgia Pain.
"Nerves Must & Need to Have a Reason to React." -stated byFibrelos Study Founder
Looking back to the photo above of the Single Fibrelos - do you see the 'knot' in the Fibrelos? That takes up space in our bodies. I know this all seems as simple as that, but it is. But that's just the beginning. It's much more than a diagnosis specific to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Disease, possibly Breast Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, and several more have been inner-connected to Fibrelos Symptoms.
Looking at the Symptoms as the Big Picture
We've begun the Fibrelos Study, yes. But this study is documented with the help of a few doctors, specialists; we've documented as we experience, then put the symptoms down on paper. Basically, we're taking the experiences, documenting the symptoms, then after each section is finished, do the 'inner-connections' searching for other diagnosis with the same symptoms. And that's it; that's the Fibrelos Study; a compiling of notes.
Photo to Right---> In this photo, you can see how it shapes, turns, and flows. Each time it changes shape, a person will feel those movements.
<---Photo to Left- This set of Fibrelos Blood Clots & Fibrelos Tangles blew out of the Founder's Right Leg. It's sitting in water.
Dry Fibrelos Study Notes:
"Dry Fibrelos" was being removed from our Patient's right chest about 2" above her breast. The Fibrelos Strands could strangle any organ it wraps itself around. The strength it takes to pull the Fibrelos out with the 'Dry Method' is unimaginable.
With that much pressure to remove it, and the heart pressure/palpitations our Patient has experienced since late 2017, these are things Cardiologists may want to know before they cut open their patients.
Above her right breast, the dry Fibrelos Strands were being lifted from the area. Hundreds of 'Microscopic Fibrelos Rock Clots' were flowing out; the pain was excruciating that of the removal. After was relief from the heart palpitations the Patient had been feeling, and she was able to go back to sleep once relief was in the air.
<---This photo was taken in October of 2017
(2015)Fibrelos in the Lungs:
In the lungs, Fibrelos builds up; causing a discharge of phlegm that is stringy and green/yellow in color. Fibrelos and it's fluid(s) travels into each organ without caring. Fibrelos Strands tangle in areas of the body that you would least think a tangle of Fibrelos Strands would be. When I mention the word tangle, that is exactly what I am speaking of. Picture a bunch of yarn being just simply wrapped around over and over, then add a bead on the yarn and continue to gets bumpy...and that action continues over and over until it forms into a formation. That's where the Fibrelos Blood Clot begins -the Fibrelos Rock Clots assist in formation of a more extensive tangle. Then as Fibrelos Fluid builds; the Fibrelos Strands weave in & over then around and over, and we have the Fibrelos Basketball Tumor and Fibrelos Tumors.
Covid-19 & the Fibrelos Dry Study ~Founder's Notes:
July 8, 2020:
Taking into consideration body fluids also transfer dry particles, Fibrelos Strand Particles although haven't yet been studied in correlation to Covid-19, but is a concern for the simple fact of transmission efforts underway since earlier in 2020. We therefore must have Dr. Anthony Fauci, at the Nation Institutes for Health (NIH) review this information provided as a notice & need for Research to begin.
The wet particles must be considered as well to be a determining factor in extensive spread without realizing it. The wind picks up, or someone walks by, then the Fibrelos Strand/Particle flies into a non-infected body crevice & moisture zones, the potential for Covid infection could be there. Fibrelos Dry Study
The Complexity of the Fibrelos Study, Lyme, Fibromyalgia and more...
The complexity of Fibromyalgia is at times overwhelming. Yes there's many studies, but no immediate approach to rid the symptoms.
With an overabundance of Fibrelos & Fibrelos Rock Clots clogging up the body with millions or more of them; tangling one over the other, plus filling up the body with unwanted Fibrelos, is cause for extreme concern. The issue with the tangling of Fibrelos leads to the danger of Fibrelos Blood Clots forming in different parts of the body. Below, we have further information, as well as first hand experiences with Patient(s) suffering from Fibrelos.
Speaking about connecting Lyme Disease, it's understood you would need to be bit by a "Tick", but one Doctor our Founder has had conversations with about this. For over two (2) years, our Founder has spoken directly with a Mayo Clinic Lyme Specialty M.D. about her symptoms, the Fibrelos Study and how it relates to Lyme Disease. He feels that more than 50% of Lyme Disease Diagnosis have absolutely nothing to do with a 'Tick Bite'.
We've been stating this for many years, finally someone with this level of Lyme Disease knowledge shares the same possibilities. Thanks for the years of experience behind that statement, Doctor.
The inner-connection to Lyme Disease with the Fibrelos Study, we feel is the same: Fibrelos is a Tick Borne Disease only because it penetrates in tissue of the body.
Matching the Fibrelos Symptoms to Current Diseases
Matching symptoms to our Fibrelos Study symptoms with other diseases such as Chronic Lyme Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and even more Mysterious Diseases, provides more direction for possibilities in diagnosing for Doctors.
<---Photo to Left
This was from 2015 just after our Founder had Gallbladder Surgery & Sepsis real bad. Her belly button was engulfed with Fibrelos and a Fibrelos MRSA infection. In this photo, it's clear to see the Fibrelos spewing out. This infection couldn't be controlled by any antibiotic. One of the only ways healing of this began was to release all the Fibrelos Fluid, MRSA fluids, then begin taking liquid silver. The liquid silver did help to get rid of the infection.
(2015)The Fibrelos Tangle 

Fibrelos Blood Clots "Blow Out" Exactly At Pigment: Heart Palpitations began in
September of 2017 - the 'Elephant on the Chest' Feeling
This is Fibrelos Tangle, as we explore this website, there's a section if you scroll down, that is explaining something called Fibrelos Rock Clots you should explore. Photo & diagram above is showing a Fibrelos Tangle removed from Chest - this bundle of Fibrelos Strands went to our first research team in October of 2017.
Explaining a little more about the Fibrelos Tangle, on the surface, we may see a small bump that may be the same color as your skin, you could also see a simple raised red dot by itself or there could be several bumps in the surrounding area.
September of 2017:
Example 1: Our Patient's heart's been beating as she said, "Out of my chest" at times. While she was laying on her side at night, all she hears/feels is 'Pound - Pound -Pound - Pound' with the pressure surrounding her heart. The other night, she released at the "Black Pigment" was. This is also where the pain & pounding was surrounding her heart. There was also lines plus microscopic bumps in the area surrounding the pain & pounding symptoms. Once the Pin Prick Shunt was done in that area, Fibrelos Blood Clots and the Fibrelos Rock Clots blew out with Fibrelos Fluid...and the pressure was extremely decreased.
Also, knowing what to do with what is seen is something that's taken years of the Founder to determine. It could be that a person may have what the FLDF considers to be the beginning of a Fibrelos Attack needing immediate attention if the pain or pressure is bad, or it may simply be needing to be left alone to study what the needs of the "Bump" may be. By the way, the only way the FLDF gets involved with opening a bump of our Patient is with a simple ©Pin Prick Shunt method mentioned below; no cutting is ever done. We never do Punch Biopsies: the big mistake of the Kaiser CDC Unexplained Dermopathy-2008-Study into the cause of some Mysterious Skin Issues; they should have done a "Free-Form Biopsy - as the FLDF mentions. This photo is a usual Lyme-Type bump with a whitish center. This is sometimes found Post-Lyme Treatment skin.
CONNECTING THE DOTS: is Breast Cancer & Heart Attacks Possibly Linked to Fibrelos?
This was taken on 8-24-2016 - Mammogram noting the toward the curve...that's the Fibrelos Bump spoken of. Patient took photo of it with her phone.-->Photo to Right
This was taken on 8-21-16: day Patient saw the "Fibrelos Pressure Bruise". On August 21, 2016, this was what led her to the doctors office for a Mammogram.
(2015)Exploring Inner-Connections of Fibrelos Study:
Due to the large number of people that are affected by Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Chronic Lyme Syndrome, Post Treatment Lyme Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cancer, possibly Breast Cancer, Unexplained Dermopathy, as well as Lupus and a few more, the Fibrelos Study just may be the missing link bringing answers to the forefront of suffering.
As we explore the Fibrelos Study, we're looking further to see if we are possibly all exposed to Fibrelos. Even though we may not show signs of exposure, the symptoms may not be present all at one time; even the slightest symptom means Fibrelos could possibly be active in the body. That's why the Fibrelos Study ~ Notes were released in October of 2015; to inform with even the slightest information to the medical world as well as the public the Fibrelos Study exists.
In September of 2017, we discovered a possible connection with a bilateral study to the Fibrelos Study, related to something called Fibrin. Further study into this discovery will reveal if there is any connection with Fibrin, and if so, what and why is it causing this to happen? Is Fibrin truly something different that what is being studied about it? We must have researchers to assist us.
(2015)Possible Exposure to Fibrelos ~ Pharmaceutical Coil:
In October of 2015, one possible exposure looked at is those little cotton blobs medication bottles containing a “Cotton-Like” product inside - the pharmaceutical coil. It's not cotton, f.y.i. Onset of taking medication from a bottle containing the coil product, fibers may or will enter our bodies. Although it keeps the medications from moving around, an alternate method should be used at the pharmaceutical manufacturer's bottling facility.
Photo #1: This was taken on June 30, 2016; but began in 2015. The Fibrelos did extensive damage to the right leg, and the history is in the photos and documentation. This photo shows a healed version in 2016, but activity is still happening under the surface in 2018.
You can see the two (2) small red bumps; indicating there's still Fibrelos activity under it all. What began as something looking like 2-lupus lines, soon turned into an excessive issue, an extreme Fibrelos MRSA infection, and a worrisome possibility of amputation. During the time of this right leg Fibrelos attack, it wasn't something to 'Sit-back-and-wait-and-see', it was get in and try to save the leg. As no medication were helping; even after several months, the only thing doctor & wound care specialist wanted to do, was to wrap it up, put salve on it. With a Fibrelos attack like this, and that's the worst thing you can do. With a Fibrelos attack, doctors & specialists only have western medicine available; they do what the books say. This is different. It's Fibrelos, not staph, not standard infectious properties. Photo #2: This photo was taken on March 13, 2016 a few months before Photo#1. Photo
#3: This photo was taken of Founder's right leg on January 4, 2016.
The Fibrelos Heart Series...
Notes taken here were on May 21, 2018 -Heart Palpitations & ©Pin-Prick Shunt
Taking a look at the Photos to the Right, the Patient is pointing to the exact location of the pain & sensation of the Heart Palpitations. The Photo next to this shows what came out; a Fibrelos Tangle. Only a Approximately 1mm is touched to the upper layer of skin to release Fibrelos & Fibrelos Tangles, Fibrelos Rock Clots, Fibrelos Blood Clots, and Fibrelos Fluid. The moment the Fibrelos Lached-On to the tip of the tool, the releasing of many Fibrelos Rock Clots - as they are affixed somehow to the Fibrelos while it's being removed.
Photos & Video taken beginning May 21, 2018 during extreme heart pain & pressure is, the Patient made a ©Pin Prick Shunt to release the pressure:
Heart Palpitations... The Founder was experiencing Heart Palpitations. Diagrams of the photos and the findings will be posted a a later time, we wanted to get this video and a few photos here first. The video below shows a release of the Fibrelos Heart Series Blood Clots. This photo is from that ©Pin Prick Shunt release on 5-21-18.
In the photo to the left, you can see the Fibrelos Rock Clots in a row a sheath of Fibrelos is holding them in a somewhat sack of Fibrelos-Sheath. See the redness in the lines on the top of the skin? This is just a little of what came out - underneath those red squiggle lines. See the photo above; there was no redness. Once the removal began, it was easier to see this.
Based on experience, the amount of Fibrelos Rock Clots shown is a sign there could be an even larger Fibrelos Tumor'happening below the surface and deeper inside. It's easy to see the red/purple swirls in the skin. Doctors would probably say this look could be veins.
However, after shunt began, quickly flowing out it shows that's Fibrelos with Fibrelos Rock Clots. Photo Below: The location on her chest where she felt pain, saw a Fibrelos Bump with Pigmentation, she did a ©Prick Shunt, and immediately show a Rock Clot. This is what flowed out on May 21, 2018~Video WarningVideo Warning ~
Fibrelos Blood Clot Series
(2015)We recorded a video to document different aspects of the Fibrelos Study. The removal of a very large Fibrelos cover containing several if not hundreds of tangled Fibrelos that we call the Fibrelos Tangle, (2019) clogs the end of the skin after clotting.
The Fibrelos Blood Clot & Rock Clot Series
(2016)As described and explained further below in the Fibrelos Blood Clot Series", the F.L.D.F. believes it's the tangles in the Fibrelos leads to many symptoms we know as Fibromyalgia Pain, Lyme Disease Symptoms-Post Lyme Treatment Syndrome, because of the stress it puts on the body.
The photos below are showing some textures of Fibrelos has shown to be the majority:
PHOTO 1: This photo shows a more free-flowing Fibrelos. It's texture is similar to a textile; almost like a thread. It is strong and sturdy while it is worked out of the affected Fibrelos area(s). You can see a black dot on top of the skin where the Fibrelos is being removed: that's a Fibrelos Rock Clot.
PHOTO 2: This photo shows a very stiff Fibrelos. The stiffness was also seen as well as when it was being removed from the affected Fibrelos area(s).
Fibrelos Blood Clots begin with Tangled Fibrelos Clogging Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, & more:
An important feature of Fibrelos Blood Clots is the clogging veins, capillaries, arteries, other blood areas such as the heart, operative organs, and lungs. Referring back to the Fibrelos Tangles, this can cause some extensive Fibrelos Cloting with the "Fibrelos Rock-Clot" - the F.L.D.F. needs to study this further. However, it is a hard substance that comes out of the ©Pin Prick Shunt or an affected Fibrelos Zone; then it dissolves slightly, once it touches water or fluid while smashing it over and over. But if there's no one inside your body smashing the Fibrelos Rock-Clots, they can cause clotting in all blood zones. Plus it's the belief of the F.L.D.F. that the Fibrelos Tumor begins at the point where the Fibrelos Tangle gets larger, and more powerful, more Fibrelos Fluid" builds, then more Fibrelos Rock Clots" form directly on the Fibrelos that's tangled, creating a very hard surface usually very painful.
2015-2017 notes:
F.L.D.F. presumes that these Fibrelos Rock-Clots are the beginning to a specific type of Fibrelos Tumor. (see the Fibrelos Basketball Tumor)
Areas of the dermatological layers, tissue, and all throughout the body, get clogged - yes "The Body". It doesn't matter where the affected Fibrelos areas are; with these Fibrelos Rock Clots -Tangled around the Fibrelos, takes up space in the body...but our body wasn't designed to have anything but the normal body stuff in it - we weren't born with Fibrelos, therefore it's considered to be a Foreign Body inside the body. Again, so much more research is needed.
2021 notes:
(2015) "We're at the beginning", (2021) but what a terrific finding in 2021: our Founder figures out that "Fibrin" is "Fibrelos". Fibrin is something of a thread like strand in our bodies that assists with clotting mechanism in our bodies. The Founder finds out through her own suffering from an injury causing a blood clot to form, by taking "Xarelto", her Fibrelos symptoms decreased incredibly. She notes this at the top of the page. Seeing the progression in notes leading then to a possible finding, that's progress.
...from year 2015 our Founder states,
"Where the Fibrelos Blood Clot begins...Where the Fibrelos Rock Clot begins the more extensive tangle...Where the Fibrelos weave in & over then around and over, and we have the Tumor we speak of."
(2021)Finding the answer that the Fibrelos Tangle System is based on an overage of Fibrin that's either due to injury, increase of body weight, possible pressure of injury or increased weight putting pressure on the Fibrin which causes more possible Fibrin growth which leads to something doctors call Fibromyalgia pain, causes Fibrin (Fibrelos) blood clots to form, and could be cause for some of the other mysterious diagnosis.
The Fibrelos Blood Clot & Blow-Out
A Fibrelos Blood Clot is not only lumpy, clumpy, and sometimes much darker red than most other blood clots, it contains long Fibrelos Strands that at times are longer than 20" when a Fibrelos Blood Clot blow-out happens. Fibrelos Clot w/Fibrelos Rock Clots Fibrelos Blow-Out -
Due to backed-up Fibrelos Blood Clot pressure under the layers of skin. Take a look at the photo above...see the specks of what a doctor would say that's dried, that's the Fibrelos Rock Clot, they are very small usually about the size of a piece of pepper sometimes the size of a tomato seed. Then just below the needle you can see the darker specks-almost black, that's also a Fibrelos Rock Clot~Click here to jump to page to see the explanations & diagrams.
This procedure begins from the inside, presumably each organ is being exposed to Fibrelos once you've noticed your first symptoms. We feel with the Fibrelos Study, that the Fibrelos Fluid mixes throughout the Fibrelos Tangle, then due to the pressure that the Fibrelos causes, it creates changes to your skin. Once the Fibrelos Pressure takes over, and has no other place to go, it causes a Fibrelos bump, and even a pigment of black, grey or even a bluish colored Dot or even a small line in areas surrounding the painful area. The "Pigment of Black Dot" is microscopic and usually must have at least 4x magnification and a bright light to see the affected area of the skin. Again, where the pain is, there will be a "Change in the Skin" not looking like a smooth & normal texture and color of the skin.
Next, and presumably, as it pushes it's way into the nerves, Fibrelos wraps around; creating a "Tangling" inside the body, as it presumably not only wraps it around, but it goes right through tendons, bones, joints causing some terrible effects. Fibrelos Fluid then forms sometimes Fibrelos Tumors, Fibrelos Pressure Bruises, and cause pain & pressure.
Shunting, Fibrelos Rock Clots & Fibrelos Tumors
With her legs filling with Fibrelos Fluid, not one doctor would listen to what she was suffering from. Then, years of fluid build up, she found a few things to help decrease all that fluid: Shunting - 'Let the Fluid Pour Out!' And that's what she ended up doing.
A simple ©Pin Prick Shunt did the job, but then all the content flowing out was not just fluid; Fibrelos Tangles & Fibrelos Rock Clots were also flowing out of the shunt area. The shunting would get clogged; then 'Fibrelos & Fibrelos Rock Clots' would appear - 'What's all the pepper about?" The Fibrelos Rock Clots look similar to the size of pepper, and they are dark in color. Now in May of 2018, it's not like the year '2008' and the Fibrelos Study just began: the FLDF has more answers than questions.
The Fibrelos Basketball Tumor & an Ovarian Tumor/CNN - Compare:
The Fibrelos Basketball Tumor shown in the photo to the left is the Founder's left leg-just behind the femur & approx. 1" above the top of the back of the knee was this Fibrelos Basketball Tumor. When the Vascular Surgeon refused to insert a shunt in our Patient, or do some type of surgery to reduce the size, she had no other choice but to shunt it herself. It was a success! She was able to rid the size of the tumor!
Ovarian Tumor below: is this possibly related to the Fibrelos Study?
Then compare the Fibrelos Basketball Tumor to this CNN Report of a woman that had an 'Ovarian Tumor' removed in April of 2018 at a hospital in Connecticut - not affiliated with the Fibrelos Study, this Ovarian Tumor is shown here---->
Tap photo to see Similar Tumor as the Fibrelos Tumor, a CNN Report
#is this Ovarian Tumor similar to the Fibrelos Basketball Tumor'? -here's a similar tumor, this one is a little smaller (Fox News).
Fibrelos Study: notes of the Founder:
For historical statement, until the website is fully organized, please be aware of the changing of information as the Fibrelos Study announces in May of 2018, Lyme Disease Awareness Month, that there is now "LYME-NO-MO"
This is a new movement to honor the suffering, and to say "No More to Lyme Disease" a May 2018 movement to remember: Lyme No More #LYMENOMO @fibrelosstudy
White Flower Productions Copyright for this site: 2000 - 2022
All media is protected under this ©Copyright
©2000 - 2022 Copyright "©The Branchworm Study - Phase I" , "©The Fibrelos Study - Phase II" & "©The Fibrelos Dry Study", "©Fibrelos" is under Copyright ©2000 - 2022 for the ©Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation (©F.L.D.F.), "©The Pin Prick Shunt" ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. ", ©The Natural Flowing Biopsy", ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. , ©2018-2022 The Lyme-No-Mo & Lyme No More Campaign ©2020-2022 Copyright Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research Abstract ©2020-2022
Legal Notice & Libel: Nothing in this website, the FLDF, the Founder, the Contents of Branchworm Study & Fibrelos Study(ies) & hereinafter called 'The Studies; is not construed and/or not meant to give any advice medically or otherwise, under research and/or study at and/or university or other entity, or otherwise to it's reader. We hold no liability as to the contents of this information as it's being viewed, read, understood, studied, researched, or any other liable reason for the reader to hold libel for the maker of this website(s). The Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation FLDF is holding no libel against and/or with respect to 'The Studies' statement(s and have no libel reason(s) to be held against the FLDF each is an independent entity.