Fibrelos Dry Study
Dry Fibrelos 3-Months Exposed: Still Survive
Fibrelos Tangles removed on July 17, 2017:
<---Seen in this photo are FibrelosTangles that were removed from our Founders body on July 17, 2017. This sample is what the Founder utilized for this "Fibrelos Dry Study". Let this now be a running & visual history of the Fibrelos Dry Study through photos & explanation. In the photo, see the Fibrelos Tangles being removed with the ©Pin Prick Shunt. Then the dark speckles coming out with the Fibrelos Strands are Fibrelos
Rock Clots--->.
Now below in the next few paragraphs are showing the bunch of Fibrelos Tangles, and this next paragraph below contains the Fibrelos Tangles shown immediately after removal on 7-17-2017. It's laying in the same petri dish after removal.
The diagrammed photo taken on July 17, 2017: --->
This is the bunch of Fibrelos Tangles from that day. It lays in the petri dish for nearly three (3) months before the Fibrelos Dry Study was documented into a final wet study on October 4, 2017. From July 17, 2017 to October 4, 2017, plus still containing the Fibrelos Fluids, Blood from Fibrelos removal, plus Fibrelos Rock Clots in tact on the Fibrelos Strands, provides a clear road to a Fibrelos Tumor.
In the next photo is the Fibrelos Dry Study Day on October 4, 2017:
The Founder decided to do the Fibrelos Dry Study. Remembering how the Fibrelos Blood Clots look in water, she added water in the same petri dish the day the Fibrelos Tangles were removed on 7-17-2017.
One distinct pattern of each individual bundle of Fibrelos Tangles is unique. When you look at the bundle of dry Fibrelos Tangles in the petri dish as seen above, the Founder added water to that same bundle; soaking it on October 4, 2017. Nearly three (3) months after removal from the Founder's body, the Fibrelos Tangles, Rock Clots, Fibrelos Fluid, and Blood from removal was in tact. --->
One thing that we've learned through various study techniques, we've discovered Fibrelos can and has survived over three (3) months "Outside the Body"-Dry Study of Fibrelos.
This proves one thing: Fibrelos Strands live/survive both inside and outside the body. To survive, Fibrelos doesn't need to be contained in the body. From July 17, 2017 to October 4, 2017 we let Fibrelos sit in a petri dish. Then on October 4, 2017, we dropped it in water. It not only had oxygen bubbles all around the Dry Fibrelos, it still had movements as if it was freshly removed from the body.
One of the characteristics of Fibrelos Strands, the "Oxygen Bubbles" as seen in the photo here, there are pockets of air supporting the life of Fibreos Strands. We know they have squirmy movements; leading one to acknowledge that for Fibrelos Strands to live, needing to breathe would assist to stay alive, then survive somehow; logically. The photo here is showing a "Fibrelos Blood Clot Blowout", and the Founder did a study on the contents. This photo is linked to Fibrelos Blood Clot Series to learn more about the "Bubbles" in the Fibrelos Blood Clots; plus how those bubbles in have relevance to the Fibrelos Dry Study.
Dry Fibrelos Study Notes:
"Dry Fibrelos" was being removed from our Patient's right chest about 2" above her breast. The Fibrelos Strands could strangle any organ it wraps itself around. The strength it takes to pull the Fibrelos out with the 'Dry Method' is unimaginable.
With that much pressure to remove it, and the heart pressure/palpitations our Patient has experienced since late 2017, these are things Cardiologists may want to know before they cut open their patients.
Above her right breast, the dry Fibrelos Strands were being lifted from the area. Hundreds if not thousands of 'Microscopic Fibrelos Rock Clots' were flowing out; the pain was excruciating that of the removal. After was relief from the heart palpitations the Patient had been feeling, and she was able to go back to sleep once relief was in the air.
<---This photo was taken in October of 2017
In contrast to the first Fibrelos Dry Study here, the photo indicating the study was underway is at the top of the page. Noting the new Fibrelos Strands in 10-2017 to the left clearly demonstrate the difference in visual study: The photo of the wet aged Fibrelos Strands do show a change in coloring and not as bright when removed on 7-17-2017.
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©2000 - 2022 Copyright "©The Branchworm Study - Phase I" , "©The Fibrelos Study - Phase II" & "©The Fibrelos Dry Study", "©Fibrelos" is under Copyright ©2000 - 2022 for the ©Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation (©F.L.D.F.), "©The Pin Prick Shunt" ©2000 - 2020 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. ", ©The Natural Flowing Biopsy", ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. , ©2018-2022 The Lyme-No-Mo & Lyme No More Campaign are Presented by the F.L.D.F. ©2020-2022 Copyright Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research Abstract ©2022