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8-21-2016:  Another Fibrelos Attack happened on my Right Breast.  Kaiser requested me to return for a second Mammogram.  However, due to the Doctors not being trained regarding Fibrelos, a diagnosis is probable but not possible without understanding Fibrelos more. 

2-26-2016:   Even though the area affected by Fibrelos is large, it isn't a "Wound" as Kaiser is sending me to their "Wound Care Clinic".  The Fibrelos are just hanging out of this affected area; it's clear to see you don't just put a "Bandaid" on it.  Further study such as an MRI is needed.  I was denied care more than four (4) times already due to this Fibrelos illness.  That's just in 2016 at Kaiser.  Terrible.

1-19-2016:  Removal of a large Fibrelos that was quite active was recorded in a video in the large video area on this page.

1-4-2016:  The photos below were taken at 5:30am on January 4, 2015.  This was in the Right Leg and embedded in my skin.  As well, there was the drainage consisting of a yellowish-orange, green, and some clear mixed with orange.  I woke up that morning in dire pain as this was beginning to poke out through my leg.  This is not the first time I have been forced to wake-up from the pain.

10-30-2015 to 1-3-2016:  December 30, 2015 provided antibiotic that didn't work due to the "Fibrelos" needing further study to provide appropriate treatment(s). 

10-30-2015 at 2:39am:  The pain of the Right Leg woke me up at 2:39am. The leg was engulfed with redness at the lower center calf outside location of the "Two (2) Lines of Bites"

10-29-2015 at 9:15pm:  First notice of "Two (2) Lines of Bites" approximately 1.3" is the lower one, and approximately 1.7" is the upper one on the outside portion of the Right Calf-Center.

The photo directly below it is the Fibrelos that I removed from my Right Leg, as discussed above.  This procedure was done by gently grasping it and easing it from the tissue it was embedded in.  No skin breakage was done, just a simple easing out was done.

Please note:  The Fibrelos Study is "Phase Two (2) of the supported research efforts of the Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation.  "Phase One (1)  is called the Branchworm Study.  You will see reference to photos and videos with Phase One (1) as "Branchworm".

Liver Failure July 24, 2015 - I'm an "Inpatient" Getting Prepped for Surgery:

     One of the scariest times of surviving through this terrible Fibrelos was in July of the year of 2015 when I was hospitalized for liver and gallbladder complications.  I was also battling through a terrible deadly blood infection called "Sepsis".  Never in my life have I had any problems with my blood, until Fibrelos. 

     The doctors truly had only one direction, which was in their textbooks to take out an organ.  I spoke with my Surgeon about "Fibrelos"; indicating that this sounds like it is a "System Response" to "Fibrelos getting Worse".  However, the Surgeon as well as the Attending Physician didn't listen to me, and I was soon in the Operating Room having surgery.  But that's not what should have been done. 

     Then "Post-Surgery", the incision has a slight case of Fibrelos MRSA with a big hard knot formed under the skin.  I spoke with my Surgeon as she then called in an Infectious Disease Doctor.  I told them about 'Fibrelos', but they didn't listen; they questioned what I was telling them was something they needed to listen to, yet they didn't listen. 

     I ended up having to do my own surgery at "Kaiser's Surgical Incision Site" in the belly-button zone, to relieve some of the extensive green drainage at the incision point.  Once I was in the incision area, I saw that a large amount of Fibrelos was wrapping around my removal tool.  There must have been at least a half of a teaspoon of Fibrelos fluid that just flew out with blood and "Fibrelos Blood Clots" plus an extremely large amount of Fibrelos activity going on where the surgery was.   

10-3-2015:  MORE SHUNT NOTES: COTTAGE CHEESE Thickness Spewing out of Left Leg Shunt:

          There was a time a few months ago (this note was made on October 3, 2015) when Fibrelos Fluid during "Shunt Time", a fluid passed through with a whitish almost cottage cheese product.  Keep in mind that a shunt that I make is a simple pin-hole size.  I have flooded socks, shoes, clothing and over 15 full-size paper towels in less than two (2) hours; this was in May of 2015.  I was incredibly shocked that this white product was pushing through, but it had to come out.  At this time, my legs were as hard as a rock to the touch, my left leg" was completely inflamed and was the size of four (4) legs - or larger at a few times while suffering from Fibrelos.  

 On November 2, 2015 I have the symptoms of "Sepsis" once again: 

     If doctors to listen to me, the way my right leg is looking, it could be possible that amputation will be needed.  I saw sickness through this Fibrelos Study years ago, now it is happening.  Yet doctors seem to "Brush Off Fibrelos" as though nothing is happening, even though it is right before their very eyes. 

A "Fibrelos Specific MRSA" Begins the first week of November of 2015 in my Right Leg:  

     Further notes below give updates as my right leg begins to have Fibrelos MRSA: the extreme infection. I contacted my Infectious Disease Doctor at Kaiser, and he accepted the idea of "Testing the Samples" that I gave him of Fibrelos. 

October 30, 2015 is the begging date of a Fibrelos Attack that I speak of further below, as I also discuss some new procedures that begin to work for the Fibrelos MRSA in my right leg.

     On October 23, 2015, I gave Kaiser the samples that I knew would get some direction going.  My Infectious Disease Doctor gave me hope that he would get the job done.  A few days later, he walks away from helping me.  I informed him there is no test for Fibrelos because this is the first time it's been tested.  This is not working at all, as I trusted this doctor; that's why I did this website: to fully explain everything to him.  He walked away.

Looking back to the Very Beginning of the First Notice in the year 2000

     Beginning in 2000, I contacted my Kaiser Doctor; indicating I had a bad itch and bumps on my face, then throughout different areas of my body.  The itch is something terrible; no medication prescribed to be provided any relief.  My Doctor began with antibiotics, then salves & creams, and the nightmare began.  

     I remember trying to bring more fun to my suffering, I bought my Doctor a little 'Y-2-K Bug/Stuffed Toy' for him.  I thought if he could look at that and remember the history of my symptoms & suffering, it might help.  I even bought a cake, a bottle of sparkling cider, and had the bakery write on the cake "Doctor of the Year Award", thinking he would pay attention more to my skin problem.  No, that didn't work either.   

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All media is protected under this ©Copyright

©2000 - 2022 Copyright  "©The Branchworm Study - Phase I" , "©The Fibrelos Study - Phase II" & "©The Fibrelos Dry Study", "©Fibrelos" is under Copyright ©2000 - 2022 for the ©Fibromyalgia Lyme Disease Foundation (©F.L.D.F.), "©The Pin Prick Shunt" ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. ", ©The Natural Flowing Biopsy", ©2000 - 2022 is under Copyright for the F.L.D.F. , ©2018-2022  The Lyme-No-Mo & Lyme No More Campaign are Presented by the F.L.D.F., ©2020-=2022 Copyright Fibrelos Airborne Particle Research Abstract ©2020-2022